Le plan d’aménagement est clair, précis et détaillé. Il permet de bien visualiser le futur aménagement et d’évaluer précisément les coûts et les étapes de construction.

Echinacea purpurea ‘Magnus’ – rudbeckie pourpre ‘magnus’

La liste de plantation permet de découvrir chacun des végétaux qui animeront l’aménagement.


Les paysages Verduroy

Nos services

Landscaping Plan

The principal activity of a landscaping company is naturally drawing up a plan, this comprises both overall layout drawings and more technical detail drawings. Correct drawings are the key to the anticipated final result. They can also help to make savings on both expenditure and time. But above all a good plan is the guarantee of a successful project. It takes into account the clients tastes and requirements and is the result of a meticulous analysis of the site and its environment.. The landscape gardener aims to create something that is unique, practical and pleasing to the eye. The project must also blend in with the surrounding scenery. The costs related to a landscaping project are always worthwhile, as the client is assured a successful project. The plans also help the client to visualise the the finished project before work even starts. For this reason it is inconceivable to undertake what can be a major investment without a plan that gives a precise idea of the finished project. A comprehensive plan also enables the precise assessment of costs and the end of unpleasant surprises.

The preliminary phases of a landscaping plan are fairly simple. The first priority is naturally an appointment with a reputed company. The clients tastes and requirements are discussed and noted at this initial meeting The price for establishing the plan will be established at the same time. The price will vary according to the complexity and size of the project. The landscape gardener will then draw up a rough draft. This rough draft will be used as a base for future discussion. Final drawings will then be established according to the clients remarks. The final coloured plan and its annexe with the list of plants is given to the client at a subsequent meeting. The annexe includes details of each plant, with relevant coloured photos, to be used in the project. A detailed estimate of costs is then presented to finalise the required budget.